2015 Global Services Market Heatmap | Market Insights™
Global services market heatmap
Global services market heatmap
Service providers seek to optimize delivery mix by exploring new locations while also developing onshore capabilities
United States Domestic Sourcing Delivery Center Location Tiers
Three common roles & configurations for onshore domestic delivery centers
The South far outweighs other regions in US domestic market outsource service delivery market share
Contact center, IT, and judgment-oriented business process services are the most common functions delivered by North American domestic service centers
The South leads the way in US domestic market new service delivery center set-ups; the rate of new center set-ups in the U.S. varies by region, with the numbers in the South growing significantly
Drivers of North American domestic outsourcing
50% increase in North American domestic delivery center set-ups by service providers in recent years, and that growth is expected to continue
Annual operating cost for IT-ADM services varies significantly among locations in nearshore Europe
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