Move forward with clear action

Custom Decision Support

When you need accessible, light-touch engagements and insights designed to help you move forward with clear action – we have your back.

We offer custom support with your specific needs in mind. We don’t use templated processes – your needs dictate our solutions.

Our light-touch approach

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Ways we can support your journey

Check out the most common ways clients work with us to support their decision-making. These can be combined or adapted based on your needs.


A simple comparison of your organization’s metrics to others will reveal differences. That's all very well. But it's critical to understand why the metrics differ.  We deliver insights from benchmarking so you can take practical action.

Pricing and contracting

Every shift in outsourcing strategy – automation, location, delivery model, solution – impacts pricing and contracting. With our continually updated database of 32,000 outsourcing transactions, you have the data you need to optimize decision-making.


Locations decisions are complicated – should you locate onshore, nearshore, offshore? And what about cost structures, talent availability, risk? We offer actionable solutions to complex problems.

Peer intelligence

In a constantly changing market, how do you keep up with your peers? Our research-based intelligence keeps you ahead of the curve, so you can make informed decisions.

Provider capabilities

Service provider selection is a daunting effort – from generalists to specialists across industries and geographies. With more than 25 years of experience, we have the expertise to help you select the right partners to achieve the outcomes you want.

Market assessments

Hidden in the global services market is vast potential, but how do you find it? We have all the data, tools, and expertise you need to uncover opportunities – whether it's finding new ideas, seeing something in a different light, or growing your business.


Ongoing technology and market changes are creating fierce competition for talent. Our proprietary framework is the blueprint you need to build your strategy to find, acquire, and retain the right talent.

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