Start-ups Solving Internet of Things Growth Constraints | Market Insights™
The 40 most innovative, rapidly growing startups that are solving pressing issues that deter widespread IOT adoption among enterprises
The 40 most innovative, rapidly growing startups that are solving pressing issues that deter widespread IOT adoption among enterprises
25% of the IOT start-ups analyzed had been acquired by larger players between 2013 and 2017; they share these key characteristics
49% of organizations have implemented or piloted IOT with the goal of business optimization and efficiency; however, the unfamiliar IT/IOT convergence is creating adoption challenges across the IOT stack, and enterprises are taking a cautious approach
Creating value from data is critical to successful use of IoT in personal and medical care
The Internet of Things Technology and Services Provider Ecosystem
Internet of Things Adoption is Led by “Optimizers”
Internet of Things Adoption Trends
IoT is the concept of creating an ecosystem of connected machines, processes, and people by transforming physical objects into virtual elements and enabling smarter business decisions and actions
Enterprises’ earlier peripheral interest in IoT has now become a significant business transformation agenda
Internet of Things Services – PEAK Matrix™ Assessment and Market Trends – IoT: Bigger than the Hype
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