IT-as-a-Service Model Essential in Digital Transformation | Sherpas in Blue Shirts

Some issues never seem to go away, including business users’ demands for IT departments delivering against business needs — and doing it quickly to gain or sustain a competitive advantage. Legacy infrastructure and processes make it difficult to achieve. It reminds me of a friend’s dachshund who incurred a slipped disc. The back of a dachshund, of course, is elongated. She could no longer jump or sprint, and when trying to walk straight, the front half of her body went straight forward, but the back half awkwardly took a more roundabout swerve to the left. IT departments still organized in a traditional, function-based construct are like the injured dachshund — unable to move quickly and straight to address business needs and having to swerve and do workarounds for new technologies. Read more at Peter’s CIO online blog.

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