RPO Annual Report 2014, I1

While RPO experienced strong growth in 2013, development varied by region. Although new deal signing growth was limited in North America, the market grew at 20%+ due to a steep increase in average deal size. Latin America grew by 23% due to a significant uptick in local deal signings in the region. Growth in EMEA and APAC was moderate.

RPO Annual Report 2014, I2

Multi-country RPO (MCRPO), including both global (multi-continent) and regional (multiple countries on the same continent) deals, is beginning to take hold because it addresses some of the fundamental challenges associated with managing and optimizing a global talent pool. But buyers need to understand and implement key best practices to ensure the success of global RPO.

RPO Annual Report 2014, I3

RPO providers are increasingly investing in emerging geographies for in-country and/or nearshore/offshore delivery. At an increase of about 20%, Latin America has experienced the most growth, albeit on a smaller base.

RPO Annual Report 2014, I4

The RPO competitive environment remains intense; no provider has as much as 20% market share in either deals or hires. As a result, providers are expanding service offerings up and/or down the hiring pyramid (depending upon their traditional focus) in an effort to increase market share.

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