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Service provider pursuit support

Pricing intelligence is critical to winning business at sustainable margins and avoiding both over and under-pricing. Many request for proposal RFP response and deal scenarios put service provider teams under immense pressure to deliver compelling commercial proposals in only a few days. A trusted set of subject matter experts provides the needed insights, thought partnership, and contemporary data sets to position service provider teams for success.

As part of our service provider pursuit support offering, we support service provider solution and pursuit teams working on live bids to put forth a competitive and compelling proposal that aligns with the specific scope and baselines of the deal. Arrangements can take multiple shapes, ranging from light bid validation to consultative bid reviews. These engagements often involve intense joint problem-solving around target price ranges, financial engineering, performance metrics, transformation themes, value-adds, and overall competitive positioning.

Service Provider Pursuit Support

Our latest thinking

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Key Considerations in Estimating Salesforce Implementation Effort

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Banking, Financial Services, & Insurance Rate Card Spectrum

How Service Providers Keep Onshore Delivery Prices Down
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How Service Providers Keep Onshore Delivery Prices Down

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