DALLAS – A globally diversified delivery footprint, industrialized delivery approach, and a global talent pool are the key, next-generation characteristics of global delivery models employed by providers of sourcing services, according to Everest, a global consulting and research firm.
The maturing global sourcing market presents service providers with evolving buyer needs and preferences including increased geographic and services scopes, sophisticated delivery requirements, and a more thoughtful approach towards a global sourcing portfolio centered around value maximization and risk management, according to a new Everest study, Global Sourcing 2.0 – Evolving Global Delivery Imperatives for Outsourcing Service Providers. Accordingly, service providers are re-evaluating their global delivery model designs to meet next-generation global sourcing challenges and opportunities. Location portfolio, operating model and talent management emerge as key dimensions on which service providers are redesigning their delivery models. The Everest report analyzes key global delivery trends, next generation imperatives, and discusses their implications for buyers and service providers.
“As buyers’ sourcing strategies and outsourcing engagements mature, service providers are re-thinking their global delivery models to meet evolving buyer requirements related to location risk diversification, location-agnostic and consistent delivery experience, faster and lower cost transitions and deep domain expertise,” said Amneet Singh, vice president, Research. “We believe a diversified and well-balanced location portfolio, industrialization-driven operating model comprising of global delivery suites and enabling infrastructure, and a rich and capable worldwide talent pool will be essential for service providers to compete and be relevant in this next phase of global sourcing evolution.”
Understanding these global delivery trends holds importance for service providers and buyers alike, said Ankur Garg, senior research analyst. “While it is critical that service providers be aware of these imperatives and prepare to compete with the changing paradigm, buyers need to incorporate and leverage these next-generation global delivery characteristics in their decision making and drive improved value from their sourcing programs.”
The Everest Report, Global Sourcing 2.0 – Evolving Global Delivery Imperatives for Outsourcing Service Providers, is based on the analysis of global delivery trends of leading global and Indian service providers, supplemented by discussions with buyers and service providers, and leverages Everest’s extensive experience in serving the global sourcing industry. The report presents the global delivery trends with pertinent examples, data analysis and observations, and draws important implications for service providers as well as buyers of outsourcing services.
The current study is a part of regular series of Global Sourcing Reports by Everest. The reports analyze latest trends and developments in global sourcing locations, outsourcing service providers, buyer needs and preferences and overall industry maturity.
For information about Everest’s Global Sourcing reports or other research services, please visit research.everestgrp.com, e-mail [email protected] or call +1-214-451-3110.