Tremendous interest in analytics has set the global analytics Business Process Services (BPS) market on fire, propelling analytics BPS market growth rates to 35 to 40 percent, and total market size to approximately US$4.5 billion.

Everest Group research indicates that descriptive analytics is fast becoming the new baseline offering, as most buyers tend to have some sort of descriptive analytics program in place. In particular, 2015 saw explosive growth as buyers experimented with advanced analytics solutions and technologies, and the demand for predictive and prescriptive solutions is expected to rise in the future. Buyer demand – and service provider response – are driving significant ongoing change in the BPS analytics market.

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Anltx BPS 2016 - 5 things
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Anltx BPS 2016 - growth
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Anltx BPS 2016 - mrkt mtrty
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Anltx BPS 2016 - mchn lrnng
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Anltx BPS 2016 - IoT
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