Major European oil and gas technology provider needed benchmarking support in working with its service provider

A major European provider of technology to the oil and gas industry engaged Everest Group to provide end-to-end benchmarking for cost and efficiency across IT and BPS. This work resulted in a complete reset of the working relationship with roadmap to assist both organisations to achieve best-in-class cost and performance.

Major European technology player engaged Everest Group to help optimize their global locations and delivery operations for its procure-to-pay processes

A major European technology player engaged Everest Group research to conduct a global locations optimization project, assessing the current efficiency and flexibility of its existing global procure-to-pay process delivery against 15 similar GIC global organizations. This project was to highlight key areas of the process that could be improved to meet best-in-class global standards in P2P and to push the organization to be classed as a world leader.

Global auto manufacturer required support in location identification and staffing models

Everest Group research conducted a major locations project around this client’s engineering delivery optimization. Through a detailed assessment of potential locations in India, we identified a major hub for engineering talent and, subsequently, recommended an exact location within the city as the best fit. We built a comprehensive matrix of costs associated with the center itself, ongoing operational costs, and FTE costs at all levels. Through our extensive shortlisting capability and work with an engineering talent firm, we then assisted the organization in the identification of 1,500 potential candidates of which 500+ have now been hired. A second project utilizing the same approach and has resulted in a new center being built for a separate engineering skill set addressing the company’s second largest specialty.

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