Wednesday, September 14, 2016 | 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. ET

Enterprises today are using advanced analytics (predictive and prescriptive) better than ever before to understand their customers, markets, and regulatory environments. This groundwork is helping them to prepare their businesses today for tomorrow.
Participants will discuss their experiences in leveraging advanced analytics to tap into market and customer insights to prepare for the future, including how participants have structured their organizations – from the data, talent, and change management perspectives – to fully exploit the potential of analytics.
Who Should Attend
Global business leaders and executives wishing to understand how leading businesses are utilizing advanced analytics to prepare for the future.
What You Will Learn
This session will help participants gain a glimpse into the art-of-the-possible with advanced analytics solutions available today.
Please note that this event is for buyers only (no service providers).