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Tuesday, April 3, 2012 | 1 p.m. CDTGEP Logo

Watch webinar presentation

Procurement Outsourcing (PO) has been gaining momentum in the C-Suite. How do you evaluate the claims and the credibility of competing offerings?

Join GEP and Everest Group in this insightful, one-hour webinar and get perspective on how to:

  • Get finance involved in the PO initiative from the beginning
  • Build a phased approach to manage risk
  • Apply a balanced scorecard approach
  • Realize PO savings with multiple value levers

Whether you are focused on the end-to-end Source to Pay (S2P) or the sourcing and category management (S2C), this webinar will help current and prospective PO buyers realize value from their engagements.


  • Saurabh Gupta, Vice President, Everest Group
  • Wayne R. Clark, Vice President, Procurement Outsourcing, GEP

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