Monday, August 5 | 1 p.m. CDT

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About CFO Playbook
CFO Playbook is a series of educational best-practice Webcasts, podcasts, eBooks and events providing chief financial officers with practical knowledge and insights from industry analysts, subject matter experts and peers at leading companies.

As more and more companies move to the cloud, senior finance executives must consider financial implications and risks that accompany this move and how to address them. 

For example, do companies that transition to the cloud increase their data-security risks and do they need specific types of data-security insurance coverage? Are they more vulnerable to service interruptions? And what can senior finance leaders who are thinking about moving their companies’ data or software to the cloud learn from other companies that have transitioned to the cloud successfully?

This Webcast will identify the risks you need to be aware of, as well as the best practices you can implement to ensure that your company is making the most of the cloud while protecting your company’s assets.

During this Webcast, a panel of experts will discuss:

  • How to define and assess cloud risks;
  • How to separate hype from reality when evaluating cloud risks;
  • How to distinguish among risks corresponding to public, private and hybrid cloud implementations;
  • How to compare risks of moving to the cloud with risks you would incur by keeping data and software in-house;
  • How to plan strategically for cloud risks;
  • How to weigh the costs of addressing cloud risks;
  • How to partner with your IT department on managing the transition to the cloud; and
  • Best practices of companies that have navigated through cloud risks successfully.


  • Jimit Arora, Vice President, Everest Group
  • Dhaval Moogimane, Partner, Waterstone Management Group
  • Keith Button, Contributing Editor and Researcher, and CFO Research (moderator)

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