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Recruitment Process Outsourcing
Recruitment Process Outsourcing
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Recruitment Process Outsourcing
Employers are battling economic uncertainty but still struggle to source much-needed skills. In such a volatile jobs market, what role does recruitment process outsourcing have in workforce planning and hiring strategies? Jo Faragher investigates.
Traditionally, the drivers for outsourcing have been around cost savings and support with volume recruitment. But while saving money remains important, there’s a lot more focus now on candidate quality and experience, according to industry analysts Everest Group.
“For those who have not adopted RPO before cost is an important driver. Apart from that, it’s about scalability and adaptability. It means they can add to employee base or reduce more flexibly,” explains Vishal Gupta, practice director of Everest’s business process services division.
As enterprises face unprecedented talent acquisition challenges, recruitment process outsourcing soars as one of the fastest growing outsourcing markets in the world, growing at 15% for the past three years
The Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) market is one of the fastest growing outsourcing segments today, with growth hovering above 15 percent consistently for the past three years, according to Everest Group. Although the solutions applied in RPO have been slowly evolving for nearly two decades, the adoption of next-generation technologies is expected to surge and significantly alter the RPO market landscape in the near future, adding fuel to the fire of an already blazing RPO market.
Enterprises today are facing unprecedented challenges in talent acquisition, suffering from significant pain points such as forecasting workforce requirements, adapting to the changing nature of the candidate base, developing effective branding, and responding to rapid development in technology. According to Everest Group, RPO service providers are seizing this golden opportunity to help enterprises meet recruitment challenges with next-gen technologies like advanced analytics, benchmarking and workforce planning.
Evolving use cases of digital technologies in talent acquisition include the following:
“The technology in the RPO market to date has been largely focused on improving the efficiency of specific talent acquisition processes and has been limited to dealing with structured data,” said Vishal Gupta, practice director at Everest Group. “Going forward, we’ll see next-generation technologies such as RPA, analytics and AI that can deal with unstructured data and deliver insights and probabilistic solutions. The impetus to be on the front edge of this wave is driving significant technology investment on the part of RPO service providers. We’re also seeing more and more service providers embracing the RPO+ value proposition, offering value-added services such as employer branding, talent communities, and talent consulting services. These capabilities will become important differentiators in a fiercely competitive market where more than 700 deals are up for renewal in the next three years.”
These and other research findings are explored in a recently published Everest Group report: “Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Annual Report 2018: Orchestrating the Digital Talent Acquisition Symphony.” This research provides a comprehensive coverage of the market across dimensions such as evolving RPO value proposition, market overview, key trends, solution characteristics, buyer adoption trends, and digital in talent acquisition.
Other key findings of the report:
***Download a complimentary 10-page abstract of the report here.***
Are organizations backing away from the traditional three-year RPO format?
If you follow the world of RPO, you may have noticed an interesting trend. According to the Everest Group’s annual report on the industry, the average deal length has been dropping, and for the first time since Recruitment Process Outsourcing emerged as a tool in the talent acquisition leader’s tool belt, it’s approaching just two years. Today buyers seem to be heading away from the traditional three year format.
An increasingly holistic approach to talent management is leading to adoption of a blended (contingent + permanent) talent acquisition model
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