Tier-2/3 Cities in the Philippines Offer Significant Arbitrage | Market Insights™
Tier-2/3 cities in the Philippines offer significant arbitrage with operating costs up to 10% to 25% lower than Metro Manila
Tier-2/3 cities in the Philippines offer significant arbitrage with operating costs up to 10% to 25% lower than Metro Manila
Healthcare BPO in the Philippines: on the fast track
Philippines records a 72% increase in global services market share in 5 years
Contact center services in the Philippines provide a strong foundation for other service segments to build upon
The Philippines global services market is exploding impacting functions, source locations, GICs, Industries, and the service provider landscape
Details of the impact sourcing (IS) market, including market size and growth, and geographic distribution
Nearshore locations in Eastern Europe and Latin America are increasingly relevant for capital markets applications outsourcing (AO) delivery
Applications outsourcing (AO) service delivery locations are expanding around the world, but Asia remains the most cost-effective option
New demands are driving changes in location maturity for life sciences ITO, but India remains the preferred delivery location
Arbitrage sustainability for GICs varies by location and function.
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