Arbitrage of offshore locations graph

Thursday, February 16, 2012 | 9:00 AM CST

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How has the global services industry been impacted by the economic slowdown? Why has global services delivery increased in Central & Eastern Europe? And what about Africa? Join us for a fast-moving webinar to review the state of the global services industry in 2011 and outlook for 2012.

This webinar will provide facts and insights on the decline in outsourcing transactions, reduction in operating margins across leading service providers, and captive adoption in emerging locations.

Don’t Miss the Special Feature… with President Obama’s call to move offshore jobs onshore, this webinar will examine the options for Tier II/III locations in the United States. We will provide our views on the implications for global services industry.


  • Eric Simonson, Managing Partner – Research
  • Katrina Menzigian, Vice President
  • H. Karthik, Vice President

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