Monday, May 9, 2011 | 9:30 a.m. CDT; 10:30 a.m. EDT; 2:30 p.m. GMT
Everest Group’s latest research on Procurement Outsourcing (PO) reveals that 2010 was the best year ever for PO in terms of contract signings. The PO market witnessed the highest ever renewal activity that accounted for nearly 50% of the overall market growth in 2010.
This trend of strong organic growth is expected to continue as the PO market matures. It is now becoming increasingly important to focus on building long term sustainable relationships for both service recipients as well as the providers as the PO market matures.
Join us for an informative one-hour webinar on ‘Making Procurement Outsourcing (PO) Work in the Long Term’ that will provide a holistic perspective on the key success factors in building sustainable PO partnerships. The session will draw from Everest Group’s latest research and insights as well as provide Xchanging’s perspectives and learnings as a PO practitioner.
The webinar will focus on the following aspects of a successful relationship including:
- Contractual elements (e.g., pricing structures and performance metrics)
- Ongoing service effectiveness and governance
- Next-generation value creation levers for PO
- Softer aspects that underpin a strong partnership
- Best-practices and learnings from live client engagements
Presented by:
- Ed Cross, MD, Xchanging Procurement Services
- Graham Copeland, Head of Sales, Xchanging Procurement Services
- Saurabh Gupta, Vice President, Everest Group