Arbitrage of offshore locations graph

Thursday, October 20, 2011 | 11 a.m. CDT

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New cloud and next generation IT models are starting to deliver global enterprises disruptive improvements in cost and performance. Unfortunately, many organizations that have outsourced parts of their IT environment have been unable to capture these benefits. And perceived contractual constraints have prevented many of these enterprises with ITO agreements from aggressively exploring the benefits of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS models.

However, forward-thinking enterprises are starting to find that traditional outsourcing agreements in fact do not significantly constrain organizations’ ability to develop and pursue cloud strategies. Innovative enterprises with ITO solutions in place are still developing new approaches for capturing the benefits of cloud and rethinking their approach to outsourcing and IT providers.

In this webinar, learn:

  • How next generation IT models can reduce infrastructure costs by 30+% over ITO solutions
  • How cloud solutions can be leveraged even when an ITO solution is in place
  • The myths around ITO contractual constraints to cloud migration
  • Why your ITO vendor may not be incented to migrate you to the cloud
  • New approaches for IT vendor governance and management in cloud environments
  • How to develop a migration strategy and roadmap in preparation for ITO end-of-term

Everest Group’s Next Generation IT Practice is focused on helping leading enterprises navigate the opportunities and challenges associated with transformation and cloud migration. Based on extensive work with leading enterprises and cloud service providers, Everest Group has developed the first comprehensive set of analytics, frameworks and fact-based economic models for enterprise IT transformation and cloud migration.

Who should attend?

  • Enterprise IT executives and senior professionals with ITO agreements seeking to understand how they can begin capturing the benefits of cloud.
  • CFOs and procurement executives looking to understand the potential financial benefits of cloud migration, and implications for managing their IT vendors.
  • Enterprises “experimenting” with cloud services who are seeking to take the next step and develop a broader perspective on the transformational potential of cloud for their businesses.
  • Scott Bils, Partner and Next Generation IT Practice Leader, Everest Group
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