Value Sourcing Webinar on Demand

Wednesday, April 1, 2015 | 9 a.m. CDT, 10 a.m. EDT, 3 p.m. BST, 7:30 p.m. IST 

Value is often misrepresented as benefits that go beyond the standard services in a sourcing contract. Instead, value is simply the fair exchange of services for monies irrespective of the underlying complexity level. Saying this is easy but managing value is not.

A solid enterprise value sourcing function should manage value erosion across three categories: Value Realization, Value Optimization, and Value Creation. In the last 18 months, Everest Group has helped multiple matured enterprises unlock value that is far greater than the immediate 15-30%. Key questions for enterprises to consider are:

  • How should value be articulated in sourcing contracts?
  • How much measurable value have you realized thus far due to sourcing measures?
  • What are the typical sources of value leakage in global services contracts?
  • What is the recommended Value Management Office (VMO) structure that fosters value sourcing? And, can it sustain an alignment of objectives between procurement and other functions?

We invite you to a one-hour webinar where our experts will discuss effective value sourcing across the following topics:

  1. Value Sourcing 101
  2. Best practices in measuring value realized from outsourcing
  3. Enhancing value through recommended service agreements
  4. Best practices in managing multivendor complexities
  5. Value sourcing governance


  • Sarthak Brahma, Head – Pricing Advisory, Everest Group
  • Rahul Gehani, Vice President – Pricing Advisory, Everest Group

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