Hope you enjoyed solving the India GIC landscape crossword we posted last week. Below is the answer key to it. (Download a printer-friendly version of the answer key.)

Everest Group India GIC Crossword Answer Key
  1. One of the first entrants in the India GIC landscape
Texas Instruments and GE were among the first entrants in the GIC landscape
  1. Number of GIC divestitures in first half of 2014
None. GIC divestiture activity has seen a decline in recent years after peaking in 2011 and 2012
  1. Numero uno country in worldwide GIC market
India has dominant share in the GIC market in terms of revenue (~50%), number of delivery centers and headcount
  1. Tier-1 city with least number of GICs
Mumbai has the least number of GICs among tier-1 cities in India
  1. Buyer geography with maximum number of companies setting up GIC in India
United States-headquarteredfirms have more than 60% share in the Indian GIC landscape
  1. Buyer geography showing decline in GIC activity in India
Share of United Kingdom-based firms setting up GICs in India has declined in the last 2-3 years
  1. _______ a.k.a GIC
GICs were formerly known as captives
  1. Vertical with 2nd largest average headcount in GIC
Telecom is the 2nd largest vertical after BFSI in terms of average headcount
  1. Top vertical by GIC headcount
BFSI is the largest vertical in terms of overall GIC headcount in India
  1. Top vertical by number of GICs
Technology is the leading vertical in terms of number of GIC set-ups in India
  1. Tier-1 city with highest share in number of GICs
Bangalore has the maximum number of GICs in India
  1. Leading tier-2 city for GIC set-ups
Pune  is the leading tier-2 city in terms of number of GICs and has seen lot of GIC activity in the recent past
  1. Why companies started GICs?
Companies started GICs to capture cost arbitrage
  1. Alternative to the GIC model
Outsourcing to service providers in an alternative to the GIC model
  1. Number one function that GICs in India are delivering
Engineering services is the leading function delivered by GICs in India
  1. __________ beyond arbitrage
Value beyond arbitrage
  1. Energy & Utilities GICs firms headquartered here have high share
Within the Energy & Utilities vertical, Europe-based firms have highest share
  1. Sub-function within IT with highest adoption
ADM (Application Development & Maintenance) is the topmost sub-function within IT
  1. Another leading tier-2 city for GIC set-ups
Kochi is also seeing GIC activity among tier-2 cities in India
  1. Cognizant acquired this GIC in 2013
Cognizant acquired ValueSource NV, a subsidiary of KBC Group

Photo credit: Taki Steve

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