Vice President of Research Sarah Burnett will be a roundtable panel speaker at a Paris-based event hosted by EOA France and focused on the real impacts AI will have the services model.
Artificial Intelligence offers a higher level of reliability and enables more efficient data management – all at a lower cost.
However, there are real questions about the large-scale deployment of AI, especially in digital services: Will we see massive destruction of jobs and destabilization of organizations? How will large private or public organizations take advantage of this to optimize the performance of their Shared Service Centers (SSCs)? What innovations can be expected from service providers in this new context?
These questions and more will be answered by automation experts in the roundtable discussion.
November 14, 2017
8:30 – 10:15 am
Ax France Building
118, avenue de France
75013 Paris
Sarah Burnett, Research Vice President, Everest Group