Driving Change In A Global Company | Sherpas in Blue Shirts

Many multinational companies are taking action to turn their vision benefits from digital transformation to reality. Going on that journey in a company with global operations is even more beneficial – but also more complicated. Far-reaching, thorny issues involved in changing a company’s business model and status quo operations become even more disruptive on a global scale. Here are five tips to incorporate into your organization’s strategy for driving change on a global basis.

Consider, for instance, the experience of Vale, a Brazilian multinational corporation engaged in mining and metals, operating in 27 countries on five continents. Its transformation strategic intent was to modernize operations, improve cost-reduction and innovate on simpler ways for the company’s global lines of business to operate. A huge transformation initiative. Phase 1 focused on first transforming IT into a high-performance team and then simplifying hundreds of processes globally.

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