
NASSCOM GIC Conclave — April 20-21 | Event

Eric Simonson

Everest Group leaders and analysts will attend and speak at the April GIC Conclave hosted by NASSCOM on April 20-21 in Hyderabad, India.  Everest Group Managing Partner Eric Simonson will lead a presentation titled, Digital for Efficiency vs Digital for Growth: Enterprise Priorities and Implications for GICs A summary of the discussion follows:

Enterprises are adopting digital technologies like Social, Mobility, Analytics, Cloud (SMAC) and IOT, not only to engage customers or create new business models, but to also streamline internal processes, drive efficiencies, or simply to make IT more agile and efficient. However, the nature and extent of adoption varies significantly across enterprises and industries depending on the enterprise priorities. This session aims to bring forth global enterprise trends on the digital adoption behavior of enterprises across segments and their priorities (efficiency vs growth) when allocating spends as well as the implications for GICs in the future.

April 20-21, 2017

Hyderabad, India

Everest Group speakers:
Eric Simonson
Managing Partner, Research, Everest Group

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