Tuesday, October 10th, 7:30 PM IST, 3 PM BST, 10 AM EDT, 9 AM CDT

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Digital has emerged as the biggest disruptive force challenging existing business models and shaping the new ones. The BPS industry is no exception. However, most studies in this space have taken an overarching view rather than unraveling the specifics in terms of clearly identifying various digital components and their maturity, and quantifying their likely impact on BPS segments individually and collectively.

During this one-hour webinar we will focus on:

  • “The WHAT”: What digital technology levers are most critical for the BPS industry and will that change in the future?
  • “The WHERE”: Which segments of BPS industry will be most impacted in the next few years and why?
  • “The HOW”: How deep will be the impact in terms of future market size and growth?
  • Implications of these changes on your business and sourcing model


Michel Janssen, Chief Research Guru – Everest Group
Rajesh Ranjan, Partner – Everest Group

Who should attend?

  • Service providers: CEOs, CXOs, BPO strategy heads, head of outsourcing, IT/BPO department heads, senior pre-sales and sales executives, and solution teams and leaders
  • Buyers: BPS/BPO relationship owners and sponsors, procurement managers, global sourcing mangers, vendor managers, and GIC/shared service leaders

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