
IAOP New England Chapter Meeting – January 15 | Event


Join us as Eric Simonson, Managing Partner, Research, from Everest Group draws from his expertise in sourcing strategy and global services industry analysis to provide insights on the topic of “Disrupting outsourcing models: the case for Impact Sourcing” at the IAOP New England Chapter Meeting in Boston.

Everest Group recently completed an analysis of Impact Sourcing with the support of The Rockefeller Foundation. During this session, Eric will address the following questions:

  • What is Impact Sourcing?
  • What is the business case and value proposition for Impact Sourcing?
  • Who is adopting it and why?
  • Why does Impact Sourcing have lower attrition than traditional BPO models?
  • How might Impact Sourcing disrupt your organization’s existing sourcing models?

A networking session, with refreshments sponsored by Cooley LLP and support by Everest Group, will follow the program.

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