The global third-party BPS industry is valued at more than US$300 billion. Over the years, this industry has evolved significantly, both in breadth and depth of services. What started as a cost optimization concept focusing on “non-core” and “back-office” business processes, today permeates the entire business process value chain addressing a wide variety of business objectives. Naturally, the industry has attracted many service providers from a broad range of backgrounds and heritages. Today, Everest Group estimates there are more than 250 service providers with more than US$50 million in revenues offering BPS services around the globe. Some are pure-play BPS providers, while others offer business services as part of a broader portfolio (IT services, consulting, technology products, etc.). Some are focused on a particular domain or geography, while others are broad-based. Some are listed, while others are privately held.
This list helps enterprises to identify the scaled-up providers and their functional coverage. It also helps BPS service providers to compare themselves against others in the industry.