Everest Group conducts hundreds of RFIs a year which inform our PEAK Matrix ® Assessments along with other research reports, studies, and projects. Participants are invited by Everest Group analysts to submit responses to individual RFIs based on their alignment with the scope and focus of that particular RFI.

Please note that participation in an Everest Group RFI is open to any firm that our analysts feel aligns with the scope of the RFI and that completes the required submission material, as outlined below. Participation in an Everest Group RFI does not guarantee appearance in the final PEAK Matrix assessment.

If you are interested in participating in an upcoming Everest Group RFI, please complete the form.

Component Description Format
Scoping document Provides a description and definition of the market segment(s) covered by a particular
Everest Group RFI and PEAK Matrix assessment(s)
Text document
RFI form Gathers quantitative information related to your delivery operations, offerings, functionality and business model; your thorough and complete response informs the PEAK Matrix assessment and enables us to develop more targeted and deeper insights Excel document 
Profile template Used to build your profile in our PEAK Matrix and Compendium reports to provide readers a detailed view of your capabilities PowerPoint document
Briefing A 60-minute discussion with your leadership in the target market area to gain a qualitative understanding of the strategic direction of your practice; we provide a discussion guide in advance  Live discussion 
Buyer references  30-minute telephone discussions with your client reference contacts (one-on-one between Everest Group analysts and the client contact(s)) Live discussions and email surveys