
Tata Consultancy Services, one of the world’s top IT companies, is ready to shed the outsourcing legacy and embrace symbiotic transformational journeys with its biggest customers, participating in complex problems at a much more big-picture, abstract level and therefore competing even more directly with its two biggest IT services rivals, Accenture and IBM.

“I can remember discussing the differences between Accenture and TCS with a CIO from a large insurance company,” Peter Bendor-Samuel, founder of Everest Group, which advises businesses on their IT strategy, tells Forbes India via email. “The CIO’s comment was revealing. He said ‘I think both are great firms, however, I use Accenture for white board projects and TCS for key board projects. Every time I try each of them at the other… I am sorry’.” The CIO was saying that TCS was great at projects in which execution was key, but frustrating when it came to big-picture transformation. This observation aligns well with many other customers’ experience, Bendor-Samuel says.

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