Healthcare enterprises are recognizing the growing importance of Data and Analytics (D&A) in their growth strategies, as data-driven decision-making gains significance. Traditionally, D&A services focused on cost-cutting and operational optimization; however, there has been a shift toward prioritizing customer satisfaction and improving health outcomes. This shift has led healthcare enterprises to invest in data integration and advanced analytics, with a specific focus on areas such as data privacy, value-based care, and population health. Although payers have been leading in the adoption of D&A, providers are rapidly catching up, with the pandemic serving as a catalyst for this trend. Providers are assisting healthcare enterprises in defining their D&A strategy and roadmap, upgrading their infrastructure, and providing relevant recommendations for enterprise-level decision-making, resulting in tangible business benefits.



  • Healthcare Data and Analytics Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2023

    • HDAPEAK2023 1

    What is in this PEAK Matrix® Report

    In this report, we assess 35 healthcare D&A service providers featured on Everest Group’s Healthcare Data and Analytics Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2023 Each provider profile offers a comprehensive overview of its service focus and key strengths and limitations. The research will help buyers select the right-fit provider for their needs, while providers will be able to benchmark themselves against the competition.


    In this report, we:

    • Study healthcare D&A services market trends
    • Examine 35 healthcare D&A service providers’ capabilities and offerings
    • List providers’ key strengths and limitations


    • All industries and geographies
    • Geography: North America
    • The assessment is based on Everest Group’s annual RFI process for the calendar year 2023, interactions with leading CCaaS technology providers, client reference checks, and an ongoing analysis of the CCaaS market

    The assessment is based on Everest Group’s annual RFI process for the calendar year 2023, interactions with leading D&A service providers, client reference checks, and an ongoing analysis of the healthcare D&A services market



What is the PEAK Matrix®?

The PEAK Matrix® provides an objective, data-driven assessment of service and technology providers based on their overall capability and market impact across different global services markets, classifying them into three categories: Leaders, Major Contenders, and Aspirants.

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