Cloud Services
Cloud Services

In the continuously maturing cloud adoption landscape, enterprises are leveraging cloud services to increase operational efficiency, enable business innovation, and accelerate organizational growth. As economic headwinds challenge organizations, they are strategically evaluating their cloud modernization investments while intensifying their focus on optimizing cloud operations. Adopting hybrid and multicloud strategies allows them to enhance reliability and utilize the best-of-the-breed offerings across cloud providers. Furthermore, moving more data and applications to the cloud has made security and regulatory compliance a primary focus area. Industry-specific cloud offerings are helping enterprises address unique business needs. They are also benefiting from AI-backed cloud solutions that empower them to gain actionable insights from their data. A growing emphasis on cloud sustainability reflects their commitment to environmentally responsible practices.

As far as the North American market is concerned, the demand for enterprise cloud adoption is shifting from a focus on cost and efficiency to driving business-focused growth and experience. Enterprises are actively seeking Service Providers (SPs) capable of delivering value through business-aligned strategies and best-of-the-breed solutions and accelerators. At the same time, SPs are focusing on strengthening their horizontal- and vertical-focused partnerships with technology and platform providers to aid enterprises in their cloud adoption engagements.


  • Cloud Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2023 – North America


    What is in this PEAK Matrix® Report

    In this report, we assess 32 cloud SPs featured on Cloud Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2023 – North America and categorize them as Leaders, Major Contenders, and Aspirants based on their capabilities and offerings.


    In this report, we:

    • Examine the market impact and vision and capability of 32 SPs focused on cloud services
    • Study providers’ key strengths and limitations
    • Evaluate enterprise sourcing considerations


    • All industries
    • Geography: North America
    • The assessment is based on Everest Group’s annual RFI process for the calendar year 2023, interactions with leading cloud SPs, client reference checks, and an ongoing analysis of the cloud services market



What is the PEAK Matrix®?

The PEAK Matrix® provides an objective, data-driven assessment of service and technology providers based on their overall capability and market impact across different global services markets, classifying them into three categories: Leaders, Major Contenders, and Aspirants.

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