Finance and Accounting Outsourcing
Finance and Accounting Outsourcing

The global multi-process Finance and Accounting Outsourcing (FAO) market has continued to grow at a steady rate of approximately 10% in 2022. Surging inflation, a recessionary environment, and geopolitical instability, coupled with pandemic-induced volatility, are driving enterprises to leverage third-party provider support for their finance functions. The need for digital transformation, an increasing number of first-time outsourcers, and growing demand for next-generation technology and high-end Finance and Accounting (F&A) work from mature outsourcers will continue to drive market growth in the near-term.

Some of the key means by which providers are differentiating themselves is by offering end-to-end transformation solutions, combined with domain and industry expertise and innovative Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) solutions, flexible pricing models, a design thinking-led approach, transformation frameworks, and next-generation offerings leveraging automation and analytics.

  • Finance and Accounting Outsourcing (FAO) – Service Provider Landscape with PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2022

    Finance and Accounting Outsourcing

    In this research, we assess FAO service providers based on their vision & capabilities and market impact and position them on the Everest Group PEAK Matrix®.


    This report includes:

    • Everest Group’s Services PEAK Matrix® evaluation, a comprehensive assessment of 27 FAO service providers
      • 2022 FAO PEAK Matrix® Leaders, Major Contenders, and Aspirants, as well as Star Performers
      • Service provider capability assessment
    • FAO service provider landscape
    • Key strengths and limitations of each FAO service provider


    • Geography: global
    • Services: FAO



What is the PEAK Matrix®?

The PEAK Matrix® provides an objective, data-driven assessment of service and technology providers based on their overall capability and market impact across different global services markets, classifying them into three categories: Leaders, Major Contenders, and Aspirants.

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