Razor-sharp Solution Sizing for IT Services – How to Ensure Competitive Pricing

There is clear intentionality as IT applications and infrastructure move to managed services, a shift that the global challenge to find talent across industries accelerated.

Pricing model asks are now moving from simple day rates to more complex pricing constructs, such as pricing for agile pods, weekly pricing, fixed fee, and output and outcome-based pricing. In such scenarios, getting the solution sizing right is often the difference between wins and losses in competitive deal scenarios.

Within a managed services model, providers will also need to correctly translate these underlying solution considerations and the value they bring to the client to ensure that the solution is evaluated for its true merit.


What questions will the webinar answer for the participants?

  • Why is razor-sharp solution sizing so critical?
  • What are the important parameters to keep in mind?
  • What are the common pitfalls to avoid to ensure a competitive fee profile?

Who should attend?

  • Service providers
  • Commercial leads
  • Sales leaders
  • Pricing team members
  • Solution design leads
  • Contracting leads
Gupta Prateek Refresh gray square 1
Prateek Gupta
Practice Director

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