The number of shared services centers is growing, and enterprises are also expanding the size of their existing centers. Why? A key driver is that digital transformation enables shared service centers (also referred to as “Global in-house Centers” (GICs)) to deliver a new wave of business impact to their parent organizations. Digital technologies such as analytics, automation, and other enabling technologies allow GICs to drive their enterprises’ digital agendas. In fact, Everest Group’s market research shows that the share of new GIC setups that supported digital services was 52% in 2018. However, it’s important to note that some GICs perform better than others and deliver superior outcomes in driving digital agendas. What makes the difference?
In Everest Group’s report, “Digital Maturity in GIC – Pinnacle Model Analysis 2018,” we identified the characteristics of what we refer to as “Pinnacle GICs”™ – global shared services centers that stand apart from other GICs for their business outcomes and capability maturity. Pinnacle GICs achieve superior business outcomes because of their advanced capabilities. We study these best-of-the-best GICs to provide insights into key enablers for desired outcomes and investments required for the greatest speed to impact.
Read more in my blog on Forbes