Chunky Satija, Vice-President at Everest Group, will join other industry experts in this webinar to discuss the evolving role of patient voice and diversity and specific strategies to apply to clinical study or pipeline.
Attendees will gain a foundational understanding of broad market trends, clarity on how technology is specifically enabling data-driven insights into study-specific populations, and hear about the real world impact on patients.
Tuesday, May 24, 2022, at 11:00 am CDT, 12:00 pm EDT, 4:00 pm GMT, 9:30 pm IST
Live, virtual event
Chunky Satija
Vice-President, Everest Group
Noah Goodson
PhD, Decentralized Study Design Lead, THREAD Research
Fabio Gratton
Cofounder and CEO of inVibe Labs, a Division of THREAD
Dima Hendricks
Sickle Cell Health Coach, University of Pittsburgh