Virtual Roundtable

Outsourcing in the Great Resignation – What’s Working and What’s Not?

October 7, 2021 |
10 am CDT | 11 am EDT | 4 pm BST | 8:30 pm IST

Please join us for the exclusive virtual roundtable, Outsourcing in the Great Resignation – What’s Working and What’s Not?, on Thursday, October 7, 2021, 11:00 am – 12:30 am EDT.


The talent shortage has created staggering attrition numbers for service providers. 

A lack of talent availability in the market is driving up costs and threatening the success of digital transformation projects. Talent access and cost mitigation is a top priority for CIOs, sourcing leaders, and vendor managers.

In this exclusive virtual roundtable, we’ll discuss how sourcing and vendor management teams can support their organizations during this turbulent time and narrow down what’s working and what is not.

What you will take away

In this interactive session, our expert analysts will share marketplace observations and facilitate the discussion among attendees (who will only be from buy-side companies). Learn what strategies are working for your peers and what you should steer away from.

Who should attend?

  • Sourcing leaders
  • Category managers
  • Vendor/Supplier managers
  • IT leaders

Virtual Roundtable Guidelines

The only price of admission is participation – attendees should be prepared to share their experiences and be willing to engage in discourse.

Participation is limited to enterprises (no service providers), and Everest Group must approve each attendance request to ensure an appropriate size and mix of participants. The sessions are 90 minutes in duration and include introductions, a short presentation, and a facilitated discussion.

Arora Jimit Refresh gray square 1
Jimit Arora
Fong Amy Refresh gray square
Amy Fong
Vice President
Rahul Gehani Bio Picture V1 2021 03 26
Rahul Gehani

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