
Are you Considering Agile Sourcing? | Webinar

April 25, 2023
4:30 AM EST | 9:30 AM BST

Join Everest Group Partner, David Rickard, on the 25th April at 09:30AM – 11:00AM in this virtual event as the panel looks at examples of those who have successfully implemented agile sourcing and the challenges they have faced along the way.

Agile sourcing is a strategy that prioritises flexibility, speed, and collaboration between the sourcing team and supplier. It is something all procurement and sourcing professionals are aware of as a concept and many claim to understand to a greater or lesser degree.  But how many know the right time and place to implement it?

To implement an agile sourcing strategy, companies should focus on developing the skills of their sourcing team, investing in technology that supports collaboration and real-time communication, and establishing clear processes and guidelines. First and foremost it’s important to understand the key fundamentals of agile sourcing and then to pick the right projects to take down this path.

Register for the webinar

David Rickard
Partner, Everest Group
Rosalyn Olney
Partner, Source-Re
Sandrine Trinh
Senior Director, R&D, Galapagos
Angela Wyatt
Consulting Director, Horizon Seven

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