Accenture, Genpact, IBM, Mu Sigma and TCS are identified as Market Leaders in Analytics BPS
DALLAS, March 2, 2015 —The global analytics business process services (BPS) market has witnessed strong year-on-year growth of more than 35 percent and is poised for similar growth in the future. As a result, analytics BPS is among the fastest growing markets in the BPS industry.
Although North America dominates buyer geography, emerging geographies of Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and Asia Pacific (APAC) regions will be key drivers of the growth of the analytics BPS market in the coming year.
The market is composed of two key segments of providers: traditional BPS providers that have augmented services to include a combination of industry-agnostic as well as industry-oriented analytics services for a diversified client base, and specialists that entered the market with proprietary solutions and typically target specific buyer industries. Although BPS providers dominate market share, specialists are growing at a faster pace.
These results and other findings are explored in a recently published Everest Group report: “Analytics Business Process Services (BPS) – Service Provider Landscape with PEAK Matrix™ Assessment 2015.”
***Download a complimentary 12-page preview of the report*** (Registration required.) This preview summarizes report methodology, contents and key findings and offers additional analytics-focused resources.
The full report provides insights into the global analytics BPS market, assesses the analytics capabilities of service providers and evaluates their positioning on the Everest Group PEAK Matrix, a proprietary framework for assessing the relative market success and overall capability of service providers based on Performance, Experiences, Ability and Knowledge.
Service Providers Positioned on PEAK Matrix
- Among the 19 global analytics service providers examined by Everest Group, Accenture, Genpact, IBM, Mu Sigma and TCS were classified as Market Leaders who excel above other companies in the marketplace.
- In the next category, Major Contenders included Absolutdata, Dunhumby, EXL Services, Fractal Analytics, HP, Infosys, Opera Solutions, Tech Mahindra, Wipro and WNS.
- Emerging Players comprise CGI, Chainalytics, Minacs and Neeyamo.
- Since this is the inaugural publication of the Analytics BPS PEAK Matrix, no Star Performers were named, as this category recognizes upward movement on the PEAK Matrix from year to year.
***Download a complimentary four-page preview of the PEAK Matrix report***
This preview features the PEAK Matrix diagram and a table summarizing the services assessment of the 19 companies profiled in the full report.
“Looking ahead, we anticipate three disruptive forces in the analytics BPS market,” said Rajesh Ranjan, partner of Everest Group. “First, service providers will ‘productize’ basic reporting and descriptive analytic solutions and then focus their investments on predictive and prescriptive capabilities. Second, we’ll see machine learning and automation applied at increasing rates. And, third, as analytics BPS impacts business outcomes, we’ll see a rise in pricing that have outcome-based components in this market.”
*** Download Publication-Quality Graphics ***
High-resolution graphics illustrating key takeaways from these reports can be included in news coverage, with attribution to Everest Group. Graphics include:
- Analytics BPS: Explosive Growth
- Analytics BPS growth trajectory: EMEA and Asia Pacific
- Analytics BPS providers: BPO providers dominate market share, specialists growing at a faster pace
***Additional Resources***
- Report: Analytics Business Process Services – Deciphering the Analytics Code
- Blog: Accenture Goes for More Analytics
- Report: Analytics in Banking – War is Ninety Percent Information
- Report: Creating Value through Analytics in HR – Role of Third-Party Services
- Overview: Everest Group PEAK Matrix