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What’s Ahead After a Decade of Digital Transformation?

Access the on-demand webinar, delivered live on October 11, 2022.

In 2013, the term digital transformation gained dominant mindshare across leading companies and has since been a priority for over a decade. The next decade promises to be dramatically different – with exciting new opportunities and critical challenges that enterprises will need to deeply understand, as they rethink their digital transformation strategies.

Join this webinar as our analysts share perspectives on what’s in store for the digital transformation industry and provide recommendations and best practices on how to keep pace with exponential technologies such as web 3.0, metaverse, and quantum computing.

What questions will the webinar answer for the participants?

  • What will digital transformation look like over the next decade?
  • What opportunities and capabilities are needed to serve this industry?
  • How will technologies, processes, and business networks evolve?
  • What were the pitfalls witnessed in the last decade, and how can we avoid them in the next decade?

Who should attend?

  • CEOs
  • CIOs
  • CTOs
  • Chief digital officers
  • Chief data officers
  • Head of cloud
  • Head of CX
  • Head of digital strategy
  • Head of digital consulting

Arpita Dwivedi
Practice Director
Joshi Yugal Refresh gray square 1
Yugal Joshi
Nitish Mittal
Nitish Mittal

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