
The Digital Service Supply Chain: What You Need to Know, and How to Get There | Webinar

Vignesh Kannan, Practice Director at Everest Group, will appear as a guest speaker in this webinar, where he will highlight the latest Everest Group research around digital technologies and share some of the big market trends and directions. He will also discuss how Everest Group assessed the industry leaders for their latest 2022 Everest Group PEAK Matrix®. Vignesh will be joining Joe Hamilton, Vice President at OnProcess Technology and an HPE industry expert, to discuss what it takes to drive a successful digital supply chain strategy.

Here are some of the questions the presenters will answer:

  • What exactly do digital technologies really promise?
  • What are the most important factors to consider?
  • What are the pitfalls?
  • Where do you start?
  • What can it unlock if you do?


Thursday, February 17, 2022, at 10:00 am CST, 11:00 am EST, 4:00 pm GMT, 9:30 pm IST


Live, virtual event


Vignesh Kannan
Practice Director
Everest Group

Jose Luis V.
Industry Expert

Joe Hamilton
Vice President
OnProcess Technology

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