Wednesday, July 12 | 11:00 am – 12:00 pm EDT

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Research Partner Chirajeet Sengupta will help lead a Cognizant-hosted webinar titled Orchestrating Quality: QA in the Digital Era.

Enterprises have for long leveraged Test Centers of Excellence (TCoEs) to improve application quality, bringing in efficiencies at scale. However, Digital has changed the notion of quality, broadening its ambit to include business processes, technology and customer experience. Also, the emphasis on speed is hard to miss.

How do enterprises build on the gains delivered by their TCoEs and yet drive the big shifts required to deliver to the quality@speed agenda for success with Digital?

Attendees will learn about:

  • The forces of Digital disrupting Quality Assurance approaches
  • The imminent shift from cost arbitrage to speed-to-value
  • Quality Orchestration – A vision for enterprise QA

Everest Group speaker

Chirajeet Sengupta
Partner, Research
Everest Group

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