Category: eNewsletters

When is a “Hybrid” Sourcing Model not a Hybrid – ESIGHT | eNewsletter

Where are the world’s leading companies heading with their use of outsourcing and offshoring efforts to achieve their competitive advantages? Everest recently completed a study of insights provided by global services executives in large organizations that are mature in their use of offshoring to drive optimized services and sustain their competitive edge. The study focused on their learnings to date and the challenges they face moving forward in using global sourcing to meet the objectives of their organization. The study revealed a phenomenon around “hybrids,” which has significant implications for delivery of services and where the world’s leading adopters of offshoring should channel their investments. By Peter Bendor-Samuel, CEO, Everest Group and Eric Simonson, Managing Partner of Research, Everest Group

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Key Effectiveness Factors in Using Price Benchmarking to Improve Your Competitive Position – ESIGHT | eNewsletter

Although outsourcing buyers are now benchmarking suppliers more than ever before, and suppliers are increasingly undertaking price benchmarking to gain perspectives on their competitive value, many don’t realize there are key factors that impact the accuracy and reliability of the benchmarking assessment. By Ross Tisnovsky, VP Research, Everest Group

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Reducing the Amount of Time Necessary to Plan and Negotiate an Outsourcing Deal – ESIGHT | eNewsletter

Why does it take so long to put an outsourcing deal together? Contrary to what companies might think, it’s not solely a matter of complexities in the issues, nor is it due primarily to the nature of the risks involved. Responding to clamor from buyers and suppliers around the months or years it takes to plan and negotiate an outsourcing deal – and the cost of a lengthy deal-structure process – we explored the issues impacting the process. By Marvin Newell, Principal, Everest Group

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Global Economic Crisis Ushers in Change to Outsourcing – ESIGHT | eNewsletter

We’re in the midst of a climate of economic uncertainty and unease. Clearly we’re entering into a recession in the United States. Some companies are struggling with how to maintain a profit; others are struggling to survive. In these tough times, the future of outsourcing has been thrust into the spotlight, and buyers of outsourcing services are contacting Everest for our perspective and advice. By Peter Bendor-Samuel, CEO, Everest Group

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